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Internationaal Theater Amsterdam behoort tot de boegbeelden van de Nederlandse podiumkunst met als kern een breed acteursensemble van wereldfaam en een team van toonaangevende regisseurs dat, naast het Amsterdamse huis, wereldwijd nog een 100-tal podia bespeelt. Het nieuwe theater is daarnaast een grootschalig Talent Center waar talentontwikkeling, educatie en samenwerking centraal staan.
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Internationaal Theater Amsterdam (ITA) is one of the leading lights in Dutch theatre, with a large ensemble of world famous actors and a pioneering team of directors. Performances will be held by the ITA-ensemble not only at the Amsterdam venue, but also at around 100 other venues around the world. The new theatre will also be a major Talent Center focusing on education, development and collaboration.
How to use this page
In 'MEDIA KIT' you will find presskits and -photographs. If you can't find what you are looking for please call the marketing & publicity department at +31 20 795 99 00.
For other question and remarks you can also contact our department. Everyone has their own area of focus, so please try to make your question as specific as possible, in order to allow us to help you as well as we can.